Rising up and Fading out
Rising up, 2022, large lighting gel sheets, dimensions variable
Rising up, 2022, large lighting gel sheets, dimensions variable
Rising up, 2022, large lighting gel sheets, dimensions variable
Rising up, 2022, large lighting gel sheets, dimensions variable
Fading out, 2022, used gel lighting filters, clips, industrial lights, dimensions variable
Fading out, 2022, used gel lighting filters, clips, industrial lights, dimensions variable
Fading out, 2022, used gel lighting filters, clips, industrial lights, dimensions variable
Counting down the hours, 2022, nine acrylic sheets, each 60 x 85cm
Counting down the hours, 2022, nine acrylic sheets, each 60 x 85cm
Counting down the hours, 2022, nine acrylic sheets, each 60 x 85cm
Counting down the hours, 2022, nine acrylic sheets, each 60 x 85cm
Rising up uses new, shiny, large, whole lighting filters strung around the space as if floating catching the positivity of the first morning light and throwing out unpredictable colour transforming the surrounding space for a short time before the light was lost behind the surrounding buildings, coinciding with the occupants of those buildings starting work.
Fading out uses gifted used, battered and small cut down industrial lighting filters from a contemporary theatre organisation needing to relocate. Reflecting the circumstances of the materials used, the work is small, cowering low to the ground and only dimly lit.
Rising up and Fading out were made as a pair of works in an empty retail space without any working lighting source.
Counting down the hours was made in an empty retail/ leisure unit in a new development and surrounded by people working. A row of large shiny fresh colourful acrylic sheets are positioned standing against a wall at the start of each day. As each day progresses the light and reflections bouncing off their surfaces alters and changes the feel of the space. One sheet is placed face down every hour until the end of the working day.
All conceived as part of a loose series of works made together using light and colour concerned with the passage of time and labour.